Growing METYX Composites moves to new headquarters
METYX Composites organized and hosted its signature event, METYX Third Composites Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, June 4-8, 2012, in conjunction with event sponsors Airex AG, Aksa, Duratek, PPG Fiber Glass, Reinforced Plastics Magazine, Scott Bader, The Turkish Carbon Society, the Turkish Composites Manufacturers Association, and Umeco.
6th July 2012
Innovation in Textiles
METYX Composites organized and hosted its signature event, METYX Third Composites Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, June 4-8, 2012, in conjunction with event sponsors Airex AG, Aksa, Duratek, PPG Fiber Glass, Reinforced Plastics Magazine, Scott Bader, The Turkish Carbon Society, the Turkish Composites Manufacturers Association, and Umeco.
METYX Composites Summit is thought to be the most comprehensive event for high-performance composites in Turkey and gathers industry leaders from across the globe. This year a total of 200 participants, presenters, and sponsors represented 18 different countries.
The five-day event consisted of a two-day composites conference followed by a three-day RTM school. Participants were welcome to attend one or both parts and the event was designed for both new-comers to composites as well as those seeking advanced techniques to maximize results.
Attendees learned about the composites industry’s latest proven production techniques as experts from various industries presented case studies and best practices.
The presenters were world renowned companies and institutions, including AR Engineers (Germany), Areva (France), Composite Integration (U.K.), Kreysler & Associates, Inc. (U.S.A.), METYX Composites (Turkey), METYX Composites Tooling Center (Turkey), MVC Solutions in Plastics (Brazil), Polin (Turkey), Scott Bader (U.K.), STRUCTeam (U.K.), TAI – Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (Turkey), TCMA – Turkish Composites Manufacturers Association (Turkey), TPI Composites (U.S.A.), and Yonca-Onuk JV (Turkey).
According to METYX its METYX Third Composites Summit was unique in terms of breadth of content across industries where high-end composites are employed, including marine, automotive, transportation, wind energy, construction and architectural applications, infrastructure, and sports and leisure.
One of the event highlights was a presentation by Bill Kreysler, former ACMA President and President of a renowned architectural firm in the United States. Mr. Kreysler discussed the opportunities and challenges that face composite fabricators of complex building shapes.
Another significant presentation was made by Gilmar Lima, Director of MVC Solutions in Plastics of Brazil. Mr. Gilmar presented the use of composites in the automotive industry, including innovative production methods such as RTM-S.
Composites Conference highlights
RTM School highlights
All training and workshops were video recorded and offered to attendees as a set of DVDs to help facilitate learning and retention long after the event. There were also no restrictions on attendees photographing and video recording the event.
Summit Program
The Summit Program can be viewed for the full abstracts of the presentations here.
METYX Composites, a rapidly growing division of Telateks A.S., is a manufacturer of high-performance technical textiles, including multiaxial reinforcements, carbon reinforcements, RTM reinforcements, woven reinforcements, and vacuum bagging products.
Only certified raw materials are used, and all manufacturing processes strictly adhere to demanding ISO 9001:2000 standards, ensuring the highest quality reinforcements. METYX Composites also provides tooling services as well as core material and fabric kitting.
All METYX Composites products are manufactured in its 24,000 square metre, state-of-the art facilities in Turkey. To complement the product portfolio, METYX Composites also offers extensive consulting services and technical training.
Among the industries that METYX Composites serves are marine, automotive, transportation, wind energy, construction and architectural applications, infrastructure, and sports and leisure.
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