Enhanced interaction at Dornbirn GFC 2021
50th Anniversary, 14 - 16 September 2011 Communicating the future of man-made fibres Umbrella Theme: “Man-made Fibers – the Next 50 Years” – a good choice Plenary Speakers and Visionaries Enlarge the Spectrum of Lectures Panel Discussion on the Topic of Reduced Availability of Natural Fibers Increasing Number of Participants Expected (Registration of Early Birds, Edition Copies Pre-programme) Importance of Congress Underlined by Parallel Events Tree-planting Ceremony at t
18th May 2011
Innovation in Textiles
Communicating the future of man-made fibres
The very demanding topic of look into the future of man-made fibers has been a good choice. Within the framework of the 50th anniversary of the DORNBIRN-MFC and after a short look into the history of this event most time will be dedicated to future trends and developments.
On the opening day already in the speech of the president of the AUSTRIAN MAN-MADE FIBERS INSTITUTE (AUSTRIAN-MFI) new chances for the use of fibers will be addressed, followed by welcome addresses from politicians and the TBSL –The Austrian Association for Textile-, Clothing-, Shoe- and Leather Industry and a look back into the history of the DORNBIRN-MFC and the Paul-Schlack / Wilhelm Albrecht Prize.
The presentation of CIRFS (European Man-made Fibres Association) will deal with the future developments of the man-made fibers industry and the challenges for roof organisations.
The next lecture held by Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics (D) will illustrate the possibilities and challenges of biomass for nourishment, raw-materials and energy. The Office for Interdisciplinary Sciences (D) will hold a lecture on the topic “The Physics of Economy – the Next 10 Years”.
Around 100 individual lectures on the topics: New Developments in Fibers, Functional Textiles, Sustainability, Fibers for Technical Textiles, Finishing and EU Research Projects will include 13 presentations of so called “Visionaries”. Top representatives / opinion leaders / decision makers will report about future developments and research projects in their enterprises and institutes.
The list of speakers ranges from Japan Chemical Fibers Association (J), American Chemical Society (USA), PCI Fibers & Raw Materials (UK), RWTH Aachen (D), Hochschule Niederrhein (D), Hohenstein Institute (D) to Adam Opel AG (D), ADVANSA (D), Lenzing AG (A), DuPont Experimental Station (USA), IKEA (S), Marks & Spencer (UK) and ADIDAS AG (D).
In view of the positive results a new open-end discussion will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 17.35 hours. We expect a vivid participation.
Based on the high number of the printed version and international distribution of the preliminary programme folders, as well as the registration of Early birds we expect a larger number of participants in comparison to 2010. Numerous delegations and representatives from industry, research and roof organisations as well as media have announced their participation.
The annual meeting of TBSL – The Austrian Association for Textile-, Clothing-, Shoe- and Leather Industry will take place at the Kulturhaus Dornbirn on 13th September 2011. Some 150 to 200 member companies are expected. For the first time participants will be able to combine their assembly with a visit to the DORNBIRN-MFC.
LENZING AG will hold a work-shop from 12th to 16th September in Vorarlberg with some 900 worldwide top customers. The participation at the DORNBIRN-MFC is foreseen.
In a highly symbolic act a beech tree will be planted in the park of the Textile College in Dornbirn on 30th of June 2011 in the presence or representatives from the City of Dornbirn, the directorate of the Textile College, local media and the AUSTRIAN-MFI.
This is to commemorate 50 years of hospitality and cooperation with the City of Dornbirn and the Textile College. Planted in the “International Year of Forests” it will become gradually a momentum with dignity for future generations.
Use this unique event as a communication platform and experience the future world of Man-made Fibers. More than 700 participants from 30 countries are expected to join this anniversary congress.
Easy online registration at: www.dornbirn-mfc.com
Austrian Man-Made Fibers Institute (Austrian MFI)
Congress Office
Römerstrasse 2
A-6900 Bregenz
Tel.: +43 (0) 5574 54720
Fax.: +43 (0) 5574 434434
E-Mail: [email protected]
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