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Textiles Intelligence

Global apparel trade and trade policy: the world's leading clothing exporters and key markets, January 2019

This report contains vital data and analysis of trends in exports from the world's leading clothing exporting countries.

21st February 2019

Innovation in Textiles


Report summary

This report contains vital data and analysis of trends in exports from the world's leading clothing exporting countries. In particular, it provides a review of world trade, and focuses in detail on the leading ten clothing exporters and their key markets. World clothing exports increased in US dollar terms to their second highest level on record in 2017—the latest year for which comprehensive data are available.

Eight of the world's leading clothing exporters achieved growth, including Cambodia, the EU, Indonesia and Vietnam. China remained the largest exporter, followed by the EU, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Turkey, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Cambodia and the USA. In terms of destination, strong growth was seen in clothing exports to a number of countries, including China, Norway, Russia, South Korea and Switzerland. Looking ahead, world clothing exports look set to rise during 2019.

However, the rise is expected to be slower than the increases achieved in 2017 and 2018—reflecting a slowdown in growth in consumer expenditure on clothing and footwear. Growth is expected to pick up again between 2019 and 2023. But this could be affected by a number of factors, including a rise in trade restrictions, increases in interest rates, and a tightening of monetary policy in developed economies.

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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence

40 pages, published January 2019

Report price: Euro 420.00; US$ 550.00

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