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Textiles Intelligence

Impact of Brexit on textiles and clothing in Europe

In this report, Robin Anson analyses the findings of the study with particular reference to the effects of the two scenarios”a ‘no deal’ Brexit and a ‘soft’ Brexit.

8th December 2020

Innovation in Textiles
 |  United Kingdom


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Report summary

A transitional arrangement designed to bridge the gap between the UK's departure from the EU on January 31, 2020, and full independence is due to come to an end on December 31, 2020. The end of the transitional arrangement will have far reaching consequences for the textile and clothing industries in the UK and in the remaining 27 EU member states.

However, those consequences will depend on whether a deal can be reached. The impacts of two scenarios for the textile and clothing industries in the UK and in the remaining 27 EU member states have been examined in a new study commissioned by Euratex (the European Apparel and Textile Confederation), based in Brussels, Belgium, and conducted by Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven—Catholic University of Leuven), based in Leuven, Belgium.

In this report, Robin Anson analyses the findings of the study with particular reference to the effects of the two scenarios—a "no deal" Brexit and a "soft" Brexit—on employment and value added in the UK and EU textile and clothing industries.

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Impact of Brexit on the textile and clothing industries in the EU and the UK

Publisher: Textiles Intelligence

5 pages, published in November 2020 

Report price: Euro 265.00; US$ 350.00 

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