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Henkel and EDANA discuss evolution of product safety

Prior to their presentation on AHP Product Safety at Outlook, Seán Kerrigan caught up with Henkel's Head of Market Strategy Personal Hygiene Europe and Manager Instrumental Analytics.

19th August 2019

Innovation in Textiles
 |  Brussels


Seán Kerrigan, Camilla Ohlson and Andre Weiss. © EDANA

Seán Kerrigan, Camilla Ohlson and Andre Weiss. © EDANA

Prior to their presentation on AHP Product Safety at Outlook, the leading hygiene and personal care conference that takes place from 9-11 October, in Athens, EDANA’s Director of Communications Seán Kerrigan caught up with Henkel's Head of Market Strategy Personal Hygiene Europe Camilla Ohlson and Andre Weiss, Manager Instrumental Analytics, to discuss the evolution of AHP product safety.

Seán Kerrigan: In Athens you will present on the topic of product safety and the impact of the Chemicals of Concern and Volatile Organic Compounds. How have you witnessed the debate on this evolve recently?

Henkel: With no doubt the debate and interest related to product safety has been increasing over the last years, reaching an all high level during 2019. In the past the topic was, more occasionally, brought up in discussions but, recently, it has become a strong market dynamic across all players and functions of the industry. At Henkel we have, for a long time, been paying high attention to the topic of product safety on a global scale. For us, providing our customers and the consumers with safe products is at the core of our responsibility.

Furthermore, in the industry we all need to ensure we continue the ongoing work to develop common standards to provide a framework for this important topic that is both consistent and understandable. We at Henkel are happy to be part of this movement, where we, as an industry, jointly take the lead in order to provide the society with transparency and facts related to personal hygiene products that are valid and reflect the reality.

SK: And what do you see as the main drivers of this evolution?

HK: The overall mega trends about healthy living and sustainability are key drivers for the increasing interest of product safety. The consumers of today desire products that are not only fulfilling their basic needs but also require the confirmation that they are also safe in all aspects. This includes safety in use but also safe to produce and, not to forget, sustainable in both usage and production. So the challenge is there and it is up to us in the industry to take on this challenge in a joint manner. Therefore, we need to provide the consumers and our wider society with transparency of our high standards in quality and safety in a way that is both understandable and comprehensible.

SK: This discussion can be extremely technical and often require considerable familiarity with the area to appreciate the challenges. I wonder if you have experience of how this complexity can be conveyed to key actors (regulators, the media and consumer groups) that may not have this understanding?

HK: We see this as one of the biggest challenges of today and this is not only limited to product safety in personal hygiene products. With a society running faster and faster, chasing the next “likes”, it is challenging to bring over messages that are complex and not simply black or white. At Henkel we have experience with this kind of complexity from our work on food safety since we play a leading role in the food packaging industry. In food safety, key elements to progress and provide transparency are knowledge, standards, education, information sharing and leadership.

We believe in also using the same set of tools when it comes to product safety for personal hygiene. Having that said, crucial is how to simplify a message whilst not losing the key points to be made and, by that, make it accessible to a broader group of reader or listener. This can only come by having mixed competences working closely together and not reducing it to “experts under experts”.

Hence, we are working in a cross-functional set-up to ensure we understand the topic in all its’ complexity but also makes it understandable for the non-experts. Based on this format we remain convinced that we can work on a broader scale with key stakeholders including media and consumer groups.

SK: Part of your presentation refers to the importance of cooperation along the value chain to ensure continuous assurance of product safety. How challenging is the standardization of methodologies here? How is this overall cooperation process evolving?

HK: Certainly, this is a complex task we are all facing. The methodology and guidelines being defined need to fulfil its’ purpose but also need to reflect the reality of the product in use. As we all know, personal hygiene products are made out of a complex structure of materials and components that all have a contribution to the end result.

That’s why we so strongly believe in the partnership approach where true progress can only be made in an open, transparent and honest exchange. We are fully convinced that to define new standards and guidelines is something we should see as a great opportunity in providing consumers and institutions the basis for an even stronger trust in our products. We find that the process as guided by EDANA is running extremely well and that it is a chance for all of us in the industry to work on a common agenda for the good of our society, being also the users of personal hygiene products.

SK: What are the most impressive technical innovations or practical initiatives you’ve seen recently?

HK: The developments in the direction of smart applications is something I find extremely exciting. It brings new opportunities to the industry and enables the personal hygiene products to fulfil an even bigger task linked to the wider trends of health and safety. We know that, in countries with a growing ageing population, the demands on institutional care will continue to increase and, here, printed electronic and smart solutions can be key enablers. Hence, I’m convinced that we are only at the very beginning of this development and that there will be a lot more to come, probably driven by the highly dynamic movements in the APAC regions. We observe how the consumers there are extremely willing to try out new ideas and products particularly if there is a “smart” touch to it.

Furthermore, the dynamics in the direction of recycling and use of natural raw materials continues to grow in importance. There really is a great deal of prioritising and activity ongoing in this field. Once again, due to the complexity of the topics, the breakthroughs will rely on common approaches in a partnership set-up. Certainly, our consumers are interested in those kinds of solutions and we, within the industry, have a big responsibility in providing true sustainable solutions responding to this global trend and ever-increasing demand.

SK: And finally, are there other presentations at Outlook that you are particularly looking forward to?

HK: The full programme and spread of themes is very interesting. The possibility to meet and exchange on all topics driving the development of our industry is what makes Outlook such a special and important event. Related to our presentation on product safety I’m very much looking forward to the presentations on circularity, as well as the building trust workshop. I’m very excited about meeting you all and be part of the discussion to develop the personal hygiene industry for the future.

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