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ITMF Annual Conference 2011 ‘New Paradigms in the Global Textile Industry' To be held 19-20 September 2011, Barcelona The ITMF Annual Conference 2011 takes place next month in Barcelona, Spain from 19-20 September 19/20, 2011 prior to the start of ITMA 2011 (September 22-29, 2011). Delegates will also participate in the ITMA/ITMF World Textile Summit 2011 on September 21. The theme of the ITMF Annual Conference "New Paradigms in the Global Textile Industry" is said to reflect that the circumst
12th August 2011
Innovation in Textiles
To be held 19-20 September 2011, Barcelona
The ITMF Annual Conference 2011 takes place next month in Barcelona, Spain from 19-20 September 19/20, 2011 prior to the start of ITMA 2011 (September 22-29, 2011). Delegates will also participate in the ITMA/ITMF World Textile Summit 2011 on September 21.
The theme of the ITMF Annual Conference "New Paradigms in the Global Textile Industry" is said to reflect that the circumstances the global textile industry finds itself in has changed tremendously in the past few years.
Soaring raw material prices, extremely volatile markets, sovereign debts crises, currency disputes, political instability, the unfinished Doha-Round, etc. are a few of the many challenges that affect the recovery of the global economy in general and the global textile industry in particular.
Between September 19 and 21 international delegates will have the unique opportunity to learn more about the ongoing changes affecting the entire textile value chain, to exchange views and experiences on the challenges and opportunities ahead and to meet persons from the textile and affiliated industries from around the world.
23 high level experts from around the world covering all relevant aspects along the entire textile value chain from fibre to retail will present their views during the ITMF Annual Conference 2011 and the ITMA/ITMF World Textile Summit 2011.
Topics discussed during the three days will be:
Mr. Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, and Mr. Barry Eichengreen, Professor for Economics and Politics at Berkeley (USA), will be the two keynote speakers on September 21.
Further information: ITMF Annual Conference 2011
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