Patient-centric solutions for health
The UKs Materials Knowledge Transfer Network and Medilink North West are hosting an event called Medical Materials & Textile Solutions for an Ageing Society, aimed at bringing together industry, the National Health Service (NHS) and university professionals to share the latest developments and advances in this highly significant area of healthcare. The event will be held at the Manchester Conference Centre and Hotel, Sackville Street, Manchester, United Kingdom on 15
26th May 2011
Innovation in Textiles
The UKs Materials Knowledge Transfer Network and Medilink North West are hosting an event called Medical Materials & Textile Solutions for an Ageing Society, aimed at bringing together industry, the National Health Service (NHS) and university professionals to share the latest developments and advances in this highly significant area of healthcare.
The event will be held at the Manchester Conference Centre and Hotel, Sackville Street, Manchester, United Kingdom on 15 June 2011, from 9.45am 2.30pm.
Opening remarks by Lord Haskel The House of Lords
Trends, issues and health concerns facing the UK ageing population Futures Perfect
Expressing value through communication technologies in an ageing society Microsoft Research
Continence care present and future University College London
Wound healing and chronic care Health Directions Keith Cutting & Advanced Medical Solutions Prof Steve Percival
Assisted Living new technologies for an ageing society Medilink West Midlands
Material challenges for the future Nano and Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Networks
55 Members of Medilink NW and Materials KTN
75 Non members
Exhibition opportunities are available. Interested parties should contact [email protected]
Registration is available at www.medilinknw.co.uk/events
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