COVID-19 spurs innovation in antiviral fabrics for medical protective clothing
This report provides information, analysis and valuable insight into developments relating to the performance apparel industry
23rd June 2020
Innovation in Textiles
United Kingdom
Report summary
This report provides information, analysis and valuable insight into developments relating to the performance apparel industry in the following categories: acquisitions, divestments and mergers; corporate social responsibility (CSR); corporate strategy; joint ventures, cooperation, licensing and distribution; new facilities; and standards. Brands, companies and other organisations featured in this report include: Adidas, Burlington, Duratex, FibrXL, Grupo Axo, Grupo SBF, Land Rover, Lenzing Group (Lenzing), Mark's, Melchior Textil, MGC, Musto, Myant, Nike, Ocean Conservancy, Osmotex, PrimaLoft, The Microfibre Consortium (TMC), VF Corporation, and Worn Again Technologies.
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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
14 pages, published in June 2020
Report price: Euro 265.00; US$ 350.00
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