Carhartt WIP and Converse announce sneaker collaboration
A workwear pioneer turned cult streetwear brand.
6th May 2024
Innovation in Textiles
United Kingdom
Report summary
The future looks bright for Carhartt, an established workwear manufacturer headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, USA. The company is poised to benefit from growth in the global market for workwear and uniforms, having carved a niche in the field of high performance workwear for a range of demanding industries—including agriculture, building and construction, electronics and electrical, health care, logging, manufacturing, oil and gas, and power.
The company’s product portfolio includes functional workwear essentials which offer protection from extreme conditions, and specialist personal protective equipment (PPE) which offers protection from industrial hazards—such as heat, flames and electric arc flashes. Additionally, the company operates a uniform rental service and an international contract business which specialises in the supply of high quality and customisable uniforms in large volumes.
However, the company is not limited to workwear and uniforms as it also operates a successful fashion and streetwear brand called Carhartt Work In Progress (WIP). The brand specialises in premium apparel which offers performance functionality and yet it is also stylish. More specifically, the brand caters to a trend for utilitarian and technical outdoor gear which has skyrocketed in popularity among urban city dwellers since the early 2020s. And the prospects for Carhartt WIP look promising—especially as the global market for outdoor apparel is forecast to grow at an impressive rate.
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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
‘Profile of Carhartt: a workwear pioneer turned cult streetwear brand’
30 pages, published in March 2024
Report price: US$ 655.00; Euro 501.00
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