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Textiles Intelligence

Profile of Outlast Technologies

A pioneer in phase change materials and innovative thermoregulation and insulation technologies.

3rd April 2022

Innovation in Textiles
 |  United Kingdom


Report summary

Outlast Technologies is a company based in Heidenheim, Germany, which develops, produces and distributes innovative thermoregulation and insulation technologies, including coatings, fabrics, fibres, finishes and yarns.

The company is best known for its thermoregulation technologies which incorporate phase change materials (PCMs)—which are so-called because of their ability to transform from one physical state to another in response to temperature changes. Initially, PCMs were developed for use in the manufacture of space suits and space gloves to protect astronauts from the effects of temperature fluctuations between extreme cold and scorching heat.

However, Outlast successfully adapted and improved PCM technology for commercial use in the textile industry under the name Outlast Thermo-Technology. Since then, the company has established a leading position as a developer, producer and distributor of thermoregulation and insulation technologies, and the company could make significant gains if forecasts of strong annual growth in the world markets for PCMs and thermoregulation fabrics between 2021 and 2026 prove correct.

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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence

'Profile of Outlast Technologies: a pioneer in phase change materials and innovative thermoregulation and insulation technologies'

25 pages, published in March 2022 

Report price: Euro 450.00; US$ 590.00 

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