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Textiles Intelligence

Profile of Trevira: A Unique European Source of Polyester Speciality Fibres

Profile of Trevira: A Unique European Source of Polyester Speciality Fibres 25 July 2011 Report summary Trevira is a leading European manufacturer of polyester fibres and yarns. The brand has a long and checkered history, and has been owned by a number of companies, including Multikarsa and Reliance Industries. Most recently, it was acquired by a consortium of polyester companies, namely Indorama Ventures of Thailand and Sinterama of Italy. Looking ahead, Trevira is keen to put its turbulent pa

25th July 2011

Innovation in Textiles

Sports/​Outdoor, Medical/Hygiene, Transport/​Aerospace, Clothing/​Footwear

Report summary

Trevira is a leading European manufacturer of polyester fibres and yarns. The brand has a long and checkered history, and has been owned by a number of companies, including Multikarsa and Reliance Industries.

Most recently, it was acquired by a consortium of polyester companies, namely Indorama Ventures of Thailand and Sinterama of Italy. Looking ahead, Trevira is keen to put its turbulent past behind it and the company continues to have a strong position in a number of key markets.

This report provides details of the company's developments, financial performance, manufacturing activities, and key products and markets -- including home textiles, apparel, automotive, hygiene and technical applications.

Table of Contents

Profile of Trevira: A Unique European Source of Polyester Speciality Fibres



Company Development

Manufacturing Sites

Fibres for Apparel and Home Textiles

Fibres for Nonwovens and Technical Textiles

Financial Performance


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Profile of Trevira: A Unique European Source of Polyester Speciality Fibres

Published 2nd quarter 2011

Report price: Euro 275.00; US$ 365.00

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