Savings with Audi one shot process
This report provides an overview of 20 German technical textile manufacturing companies.
17th June 2015
Innovation in Textiles
The German technical textile industry generated a turnover of Euro2.1 bn (US$2.8 bn) in 2014 and the German nonwovens industry generated a turnover of Euro1.5 bn according to IVGT (Industrieverband Veredlung - Garne - Gewebe - Technische Textilien).
This report provides an overview of 20 German technical textile manufacturing companies, namely Amohr Technical Textiles, Artur Mönch, BWF Group, Gebrüder Aurich, Gebrüder Colsman, Gebrüder Röders, Güth & Wolf, H Hecking Söhne, HKO, Junkers & Müllers, Karl Otto Braun, Klaus Korte Etiketten, Kufner Group, Langendorf/Delfingen, Lauffenmühle, Nicolaus Weber, rökona, SAATI Germany, SR Webatex, and Willy Schmitz.
These companies supply a variety of technical textile products for specialist applications, including: agricultural conveyor belting; fabrics and materials for digital printing, exhibition construction, printed signage, rubber, sun shading and sewer rehabilitation; filter media for dust filtration; kerosene filters for the aerospace industry; linings for clothing; sterile cloth for instruments used in operations in the health care sector; tapes for the automotive, medical, orthopaedics, protective clothing and underwear sectors; and technical textile protective sleeving for the automotive, environmental, industrial and transportation markets.
Many are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and family-run. The report focuses in particular on the manufacturing capabilities of the companies as well as their niche products and markets.
Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
22 pages, published 1st quarter 2015
Report price: Euro 395.00; US$ 520.00
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