Outdoor Retailer on the move
Young designers and students invited to submit their ideas.
21st July 2021
Innovation in Textiles
Peterborough, United Kingdom
ELeather Group, the manufacturer of sustainable leather alternative materials headquartered in Peterborough, UK, is launching a new outreach campaign this summer aimed at promoting responsible design and sustainable materials amongst the aspiring designers.
The company behind the engineered leather used by the likes of Nike, KLM and EasyJet is calling on young designers to submit their creative concepts based around the use of its material in any market or application.
“Our material is truly versatile – it can be used in anything from furniture to transport, lifestyle items, consumer electronics and even athletic and non-athletic footwear,” said Nicky Fox, Head Designer at ELeather. “ELeather looks and feels like traditional leather but with a fraction of its environmental footprint. We’re now looking to work with young designers and students to promote thinking about the environmental impact of the materials they use in their future projects.”
The company’s sustainability credentials are centred around increasing recycling, lowering carbon emissions and reducing the use of the planet’s scarce resources. ELeather materials are made with up to 50% recycled leather, with over 60% lower emissions and more than 55% reduction in the use of natural resources such as water and land when compared to traditional leather.
The student collaboration outreach is done under the Design for Good banner, an ELeather brand created to promote responsible design and use of sustainable materials across all markets.
For more information about the campaign and to take part visit:
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