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Textiles Intelligence
Prospects for Turkey’s textile and clothing industry 2021
This report looks at the development of the textile and clothing industry in Turkey, its size and structure, and its production and consumption of fibres, textiles and clothing.
13th May 2021
Innovation in Textiles
United Kingdom
Report summary
Turkey has a long-established, diverse and modern textile and clothing industry which has fulfilled a significant role in the country's economic and industrial development. It has production capabilities in all sectors of the supply chain—from the supply of raw materials to the production of finished pieces—and, as a result, it is one of the world's leading exporters of textiles and clothing.
Turkey benefits from a highly skilled and flexible workforce which has played a key role in the textile and clothing industry's success. The industry's success can also be attributed to Turkey's strategic and favourable geographical location between Europe and Asia. This facilitates short lead times and has enabled Turkish producers to export goods profitably to mature Western markets. These competitive advantages have been further enhanced by the use of flexible manufacturing processes, which enable the industry to increase production runs rapidly.
This report looks at the development of the textile and clothing industry in Turkey, its size and structure, and its production and consumption of fibres, textiles and clothing. The report also features: a geographical, political and economic profile; a detailed look at Turkey's imports and exports of textiles and clothing; a review of the policies and investment incentives provided by the Turkish government; an analysis of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the textile and clothing industry; an appraisal of Turkey's infrastructure and human resources, and an analysis of how these affect the textile and clothing industry; and an examination of the industry's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).
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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
'Prospects for the textile and clothing industry in Turkey, 2021'
53 pages, published April 2021
Report price: Euro 590.00; US$ 775.00
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