Fineotex to market HealthGuard AMIC
HealthGuard AMIC has been entered in the OekoTex ACP listing and has also received its US FDA manufacturing site registration number.
26th October 2020
Innovation in Textiles
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne, Australia based HealthGuard Corporation has announced that its HealthGuard AMIC anti-viral treatment for textiles has been entered in the OekoTex ACP listing. The company has also received its US FDA manufacturing site registration number.
“HealthGuard Corporation are looking forward to cooperation with our US partners. Thank you to all our clients who have patiently been awaiting the OekoTex listing and our US FDA registration,” Dr Christopher Harvey, President of HealthGuard said in a statement.
Earlier this year, HealthGuard announced that testing had confirmed that HealthGuard AMIC anti-viral textile finish destroys COVID-19. At the time of the announcement, Prof. Damian Purcell, Head of the Molecular Virology Laboratory, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity at The University of Melbourne, commented:
“Our researchers in the Doherty Institute High level Biocontainment facilities have conducted many studies on numerous antiseptic agents for surfaces contaminated with SARS-CoV-2. The HealthGuard embedded treated fabric showed significant viricidal activity against SARS-CoV-2 within 10 minutes and completely abolished the ability for the virus to be infectious within an hour. This particular product has shown superior activity compared to other products tested.”
“Our test results are astonishing from The University of Melbourne and we are proud to present to the market in a time of great need, a proven non-invasive preventative healthcare product that assists in combating the COVID-19 pandemic 24/7,” Dr Christopher Harvey, President of HealthGuard, told Innovation in Textiles, on confirmation of the test results.
“2% HealthGuard AMIC treatment applied on weight of goods to textile substrate reduced the infectious virus titres to undetectable levels, resulting in SARS-CoV-2 being non-infectious,” he said.
“When clothing fabrics, upholstery fabrics, bedding, masks, fibres and foam are correctly treated with HealthGuard AMIC, you have a 24/7 silent sentinel protecting these articles from deadly germs. You can be sure, that a correctly treated HealthGuard AMIC substrate is working for you to prevent cross infection from your garments and home textiles,” Dr Harvey added.
For further information, please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 3 9308 6888
Fax: +61 3 9308 6777
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