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The firm will be revealing the results of the analysis into potential growth scenarios for the carbon fibre market over the next 20 years.
25th February 2016
Innovation in Textiles
Future Materials Group (FMG), the strategic advisory firm for the advanced materials sector, will be releasing the results of its new study of the carbon fibre market at the upcoming JEC World 2016 that takes place from 8-10 March in Paris, France.
The firm will be revealing the results of the analysis into potential growth scenarios for the carbon fibre market over the next 20 years and discussing the opportunities these present for investors and industry players.
FMG's research and analysis team has explored the impact of potential future developments in the aerospace and automotive sectors on the carbon fibre industry.
During JEC World, the company will release industry briefings and video commentaries outlining its insights, which propose radical scenarios for the growth of the carbon fibre market through 2034.
"The key opportunity for carbon fibre in commercial aerospace is its potential adoption in narrow bodied aircraft," explained David Schofield, Managing Director, FMG. "If that is successful then even with just a 25% adoption it would increase the market for carbon fibre in commercial aerospace by a factor of x2 in the next 20 years."
The automotive market offers even greater potential, according to the company. "If 1% of a luxury or niche car were made of carbon fibre, then the carbon fibre automotive market would grow exponentially from the US 250 million it is today up to US 3 billion easily in the next 20 years," said Dr Myriam Yagoubi, FMG Research Analyst.
"If mass market cars were to adopt just 1 kg of carbon fibre per car on average the market could double again to US 6 billion.
For investors and industry players with a long-term view both markets offer enormous opportunity, the company reports, but for very different reasons and with very different risks. The FMG team will be available during the show to discuss their research findings further and advise on these opportunities.
FMG assists businesses at all stages of development from start-up to maturity, by creating and increasing value through accelerating and managing growth. The company's in-depth industry knowledge and expertise provides clients an understanding of the markets in which they operate, or seek to enter, and many emerging areas of opportunity.
Following another year of strong business growth in 2015, FMG, headquartered in Cambridge, UK, will continue to expand its research and analysis team and add to its senior team of industry experts during 2016.
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