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Outdoor against cancer

The organisation is seeking more sponsors to support people suffering from cancer by enabling them to do regular outdoor exercises.

17th November 2016

Innovation in Textiles
 |  Munich


OaC’s goal is to offer a variety of free or affordable outdoor-activities for all age groups alongside the standard, conventional medical support. In parallel with establishing these programmes across Germany, similar projects are being developed simultaneously in other European countries.

The organisation is now seeking for more sponsors to support people suffering from cancer by enabling them to do regular outdoor exercises. “The more support we receive, the sooner we will achieve our goal to reach out to people even in the most remote corners of Germany and the whole wide world to make them realise that, alongside conventional medical treatments, our regular outdoor activities and a balanced diet will help us combat cancer,” says founder Petra Thaller.

Cancer prevention

According to over 2,000 research results, sport can act as a cancer prevention activity, as well as a helpful tool to help endure cancer therapy and to avoid or reduce its side effects.

According to the research, doing regular exercise helps cancer patients after therapy in order to minimise the risk of having a relapse. Specifically, doing exercise three times a week beyond one’s own personal limit reduces the risk of a relapse by up to 40%, the data suggests.

Outdoor against Cancer is currently building its own OaC-Community, giving cancer patients a unique platform to actively participate in creating an outdoor exercise programme.

Europe-wide network

Founder of Outdoor against Cancer, Petra Thaller, a media professional and cancer patient herself since 2015, has founded this charitable organisation whilst undergoing her own cancer therapy. Based in Munich, the 54-year-old’s vision is a Europe-wide network of outdoor activities for cancer patients.

“There’s numerous medical scientific research, results and recommendations, but what is clearly missing in my mind is, in fact, doing a step towards the patients themselves. As a result, I decided to found Outdoor against Cancer and to spare no effort in telling everyone in Germany, Europe and the whole world that outdoor sports and activities are a wonderful ‘weapon’ to help prevent, cure and avoid relapse of cancer,” said Petra Thaller.

“Regular exercise has great effects on you: not only does it provide a beautiful body but primarily makes sure that body and mind stay or become healthy, hence our motto #stayfitgethealthy.”

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