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Alexium International Group (Alexium) announced it has received its second progress payment on a US Air Force contract this month, with additional progress payments on the contract expected over the next five months. Alexium’s says its financial position is strengthening, based on growing revenues from the US Air Force contract, awarded earlier this year and continued revenues from its commercial roll out of its novel FR nylon treatment.
20th December 2012
Innovation in Textiles
Perth, WA & Greer, SC
Alexium International Group (Alexium) announced it has received its second progress payment on a US Air Force contract this month, with additional progress payments on the contract expected over the next five months. Alexium’s says its financial position is strengthening, based on growing revenues from the US Air Force contract, awarded earlier this year and continued revenues from its commercial roll out of its novel FR nylon treatment.
The US Air Force payments are based on progress on a contract to evaluate Alexium’s Cleanshell CB repellence treatments for the outershell fabrics of Chemical/Biological (CB) protection ensembles.
Early test phases have demonstrated that Alexium’s Cleanshell CB treatments can be applied to provide excellent water and oil repellence - but can also dramatically increase repellence of Chemical Warfare Agent simulants on a range of different fabric types. The next phase of testing will focus on testing against a range of ‘live’ chemicals, such as Soman and Mustard nerve agents, on a number of Cleanshell CB treated fabrics.
While this work with the US Air Force is proceeding on schedule, Alexium says it anticipates the potential for additional purchase orders from the US Department of Defense in relation to its Cleanshell treatments. Alexium is also continuing to receive revenue from commercial relationships related to the commercial roll out of its novel FR nylon treatment.
Alexium holds proprietary patent applications for a process developed initially by the US Department of Defense, which allows for the surface modification and attachment of nano particles or multiple chemical functional groups to surfaces or substrates to provide functions such as fire retardance, water proofing, oil proofing, anti-microbial, non-stick and UV protection. Applications under development include but are not limited to textiles, composites, paints, packaging, glass and building materials.
Last month Alexium announced a major advancement in the development of its Flame Retardant (FR) treatments and curing methods. The company has developed its novel, non-halogenated FR chemistry for nylon so it can be applied with a standard oven as well as Alexium’s microwave technology. The ability to use traditional heat curing methods, aims to significantly lower entry barriers to key markets and speed up market introduction.
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