Fibres key to environmental sustainability in the textile and apparel supply chain
In this edition of "Talking strategy", Robin Anson examines the development of the apparel industry in Haiti.
23rd March 2018
Innovation in Textiles
The apparel industry in Haiti has faced many challenges in recent years—most notably a devastating earthquake which hit the country in January 2010. Since then the industry has attracted major investments and its exports have grown significantly.
However, it has yet to realise its full potential. The industry is geared almost entirely to the US market—where its products benefit from preferential market access under a number of trade acts. Furthermore, it is heavily dependent on cut, make and pack (CMP) operations and it focuses mainly on the production of knitted T-shirts for two major apparel providers based in North America.
In this edition of "Talking strategy", Robin Anson examines the development of the apparel industry in Haiti and analyses Haiti's place in the apparel buyer's "global sourcing matrix". Also, he discusses opportunities for the industry to expand into new product areas, and explains why 2018 is a crucial time for attracting investment.
Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
15 pages, published March 2018
Report price: Euro 265.00; US$ 350.00
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