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Textiles Intelligence

Trade and trade policy: regional trends in clothing imports and consumer expenditure and national trends in five emerging markets, April 2017

This report provides vital data and analysis of trends in national, regional and world clothing imports and consumer expenditure on clothing and footwear.

21st April 2017

Innovation in Textiles


Report summary

This report provides vital data and analysis of trends in national, regional and world clothing imports and consumer expenditure on clothing and footwear.

The report focuses in particular on clothing imports, consumer expenditure and trends in five key emerging markets, namely Egypt, India, Malaysia, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. World clothing imports fell in 2015, representing the first decline since 2009, according to the latest global data.

Nevertheless, there was strong growth in imports into several markets during the year, including Australia, China, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, the USA, Venezuela and Vietnam.

Consumer expenditure on clothing and footwear is estimated to have declined in most of the major economies in 2015 and to have declined in a number of countries in 2016. However, consumer expenditure is expected to grow in almost all the major economies in the five years to 2021.

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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence

32 pages, published April 2017

Report price: Euro 420.00; US$ 550.00

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