Durability is the key with Extreme X
Market for work clothing represents one of the largest single segments of the performance apparel industry.
25th July 2023
Innovation in Textiles
United Kingdom
Report summary
Work clothing encompasses three distinct categories - basic workwear, corporate wear, and protective clothing - which cover a broad and diverse range of garments and accessories. As a result, the market for work clothing represents one of the largest single segments of the performance apparel industry. In the face of numerous threats in recent years, the major players in the work clothing market have shown themselves to be remarkably resilient.
Two such threats are disruptions in supply chains and sharp increases in costs and these have put pressure on earnings. At the same time, there have been sharp shifts in the way people dress for work and these shifts have posed a key challenge for designers of work clothing.
Many companies have overcome these threats by introducing products which fulfil the changing needs of customers and, more specifically, meet growing demand for garments which combine comfort and durability with a fit and style which allow for individual expression.
There is strong evidence that clothing which meets the needs and preferences of employees can have a powerful impact on employee confidence and morale. It can also have an impact on the image of the employer. Consequently, companies which offer such clothing stand to reap rewards.
The companies most likely to gain the biggest rewards, however, will be those which are able to respond to the needs and preferences of employees in a way which is environmentally sustainable.
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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
'Work clothing: combining performance, comfort and image '
42 pages, published in June 2023
Report price: Euro 635.00; US$ 835.00
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